Well, well, well. Seems it's overdue, this new post. Let's see...
A while ago, before I became a lame blogger/procrastinator extraordinaire, I was nominated for a Kreativ (it's s'posed to be spelled like that-- promise) Blogger Award. And with that came some rules...
1. Thank the one who gave it to you.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
---Hm, I don't really want to...but this counts for something, yeah? Aw heck...

3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
---Well. Obviously.
4. Name 7 things about you that people think are interesting.*
---I was born on a Friday the 13th.

---When I'm bored, I play a game involving Sally Field movies and their titles. It rocks. And you should ask about it. :D
---I constantly confuse Greer Garson and Germaine Greer. Just the names. Still, makes me seem awfully silly.
---I have this recurring dream where I'm Little Edie and developing alopecia. But I totally rock the head scarves.
---Fran Dresher is totally following me on Twitter.***

---A sheynim dank dir im pupik. Which, translated literally, means "put it in your bellybutton." Though it could also mean "when I went through my Babs phase I realllly wanted to be Jewish."
---I'm a pathological liar. **
5. Nominate 7 Kreativ Blogs/Bloggers.
Can do, will do, did.

*I don't guarantee any of this to be interesting. Mainly, they're just facts about me I like.
**Meh. Kidding. Let's see....seven....hm...I play the accordion? :)
***So what if she's following, like 9000 people. I count. ;)